Bio-Energy Market Innovations Pillar

This supports the agriculture value chains by enhancing the use of bio energy products for agricultural products. Highlight innovations around, food storage, preservation, food waste valorisation into bio slurry and bio compost.
This entails:
- Bio-energy for productive use- powering machines using biogas like chaff cutters and add stories, biogas driven engines and generators
- Bio-energy for agriculture- preservation of farm -biogas for refrigeration, milk chilling there are (pictures and videos for these), powering agro industries-using bricket in tea factories, bio-digesters being used in flower farms to recover energy by generating electricity for the flower farms.


01.Project development interventions

We work with our clients in design, implementation of the design.

02.Turnkey Project Support

We also offer a more integrated and bespoke projects solutions that entails design, implementation and management. Kevin to share evidence so share evidence in Kampala.

03.Research and Development

In an endeavor to promote bio-energy consumption and appreciation in Kenya, we partnership with Dedan Kimathi University and the objective of the partnership is to promote building capacity, conducting practical research and supporting technology innovation for biogas entrepreneurs, institutions as well as the general public on the value of bio-energy financial and also to the environment. The partnership seeks to develop a bio-energy program that will be instrumental to the capacity building of key stakeholders within the institution, as well as promoting the core mandate of ABPL.

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