Consumer Organization Pillar

We facilitate organization of MSE in bio-energy sectors to access information and knowledge necessary for their growth through capacity building programs. This programs equip bio-energy businesses with information to facilitate a sustainable start and manage their energy business(s). Our capacity building programs are provided to both MSE hubs and bio-energy hubs. We also provide opportunities for access to financing facilities through leveraging local funds that provide grants to our bio-energy users.


01.Capacity development

Train farmers on bio-slurry use and support them on training on group formations and advocacy for energy access( they have 2 partnerships with SNV focus on creating enabling environment for energy access and Biomass Research on education on bio-slurry use, Kalro this partnership is Kenya climate smart agriculture project that investigate and research projects on bio-slurry use in potato farming in three counties – Nyandarua, Tana River and Nyeri provide pictures and link

02.Fund raising and business franchising

Building a business brand through the BOEs by giving them ABPL brand- energy distributor the county to make them sustainable in the long run. You are supporting in formalizing the bioenergy user groups by registering users into local bioenergy CBO.

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